Disaster Victim Certificate・Disaster Victim Notification Certificate Distribution
For Those Whose Buildings Have Suffered Damage From Natural Disaster(s)
In the event that your building sustains considerable damage due to a natural disaster (such as an earthquake, typhoon, etc.), based on the report of the victim, we can provide a certification of the exact extent of the sustained damage and of the fact that it occurred due to natural disaster. Note that depending on the cause of the damage and how the building is used, the type of certification to be issued varies, so please pay careful attention.
For those who have sustained damage due to a fire, the Certificate of Proof of Fire Disaster will be issued directly from the Fire Department.
Please confirm all related information to these kinds of instances at the link below:
Issuance of Application for Certificate of Proof of Fire Disaster(JPN Only)
Tokushima Higashi Fire Department
1-88, Shinkuracho, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima-ken 770-8571
TEL: 088-656-1195
Tokushima Nishi Fire Department
1-76-3, Shomachi, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima-ken 770-0044
TEL: 088-631-0119
For those whose greenhouses or otherwise agricultural facilities have received damage, please contact the Division of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Division of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
2-5, Saiwaicho, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima-ken 770-8571 (main building, 3rd floor)
For those whose offices, shops, or otherwise business related buildings have received damage, please contact the Economic Policy Division.
Economic Policy Division
2-5, Saiwaicho, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima-ken 770-8571 (main building, 3rd floor)
Types of Certifications
Disaster Victim Certificate
The Disaster Victim Certificate is used to prove the extent of damage done if your home (residential building) sustains damage from a natural disaster.
After the disaster victim submits the application, personnel will visit the damaged site directly to perform a damage confirmation survey.
Extent of Damage | Complete Destruction | Large Scale Partial Destruction | Medium Scale Partial Destruction | Partial Destruction | Semi-partial Destruction | Not Reaching Semi-Partial Destruction (Minimal Destruction) |
Basis for Extent of Damage Decision | At least 50% or more | At least 40% but less than 50% | At least 30% but less than 40% | At least 20% but less than 30% | At least 10% but less than 20% | Less than 10% |
The building damage confirmation survey is conducted in accordance with the Cabinet Administration Office document “Guideline for the Classification of Damage to Residential Homes Afflicted by Natural Disaster”.
Judgement for damage standards is based on the percentage of economic damage inflicted on the main component of the dwelling in comparison with the rest of the dwelling as a percentage.
Disaster Victim Notification Certificate
The Disaster Victim Notification Certificate is used to prove that the damage of any real estate other than your home (warehouses, car ports, etc.) and/or personal effects (household goods, vehicles, etc.) from a natural disaster has been reported.
Please note, in the case of the Disaster Victim Notification Certificate, we do not certify the exact extent of the damage (Complete, Partial, etc.), but only provide a certificate of proof that the damage has been reported to us.
Therefore, along with the option of having personnel visit the site directly to confirm the damage via photographs,etc., it is possible to receive a Disaster Victim Notification Certificate through submitting a record of the damage with photographs or other proofs that you collected yourself.
How to Apply
When to Apply
Generally, you should submit your application before 30 days have passed since the infliction of the damage.
Note that in the event you do not submit your application within 30 days of the disaster, or in the case that you have already repaired some aspects of your building by the time of submission, it is possible that the damage can no longer be properly assessed. In the case you sustain damage due to a natural disaster, please take pictures that can be used to confirm the extent of the damage right away.
For information on how to assure you properly take pictures of your sustained damage, please refer to this leaflet below.
First Steps When Faced With a Damaged Home (JPN only)
Who Can Apply
Residents(those who have a certificate of residence for the afflicted building)
Owner or landlord of affected property (the registered owner/lender of the property)
A proxy(Power of attorney required)
Materials Necessary When Applying
Disaster Victim (Notification) Certificate Application
Applicants Identity Verification Document (drivers license, passport, my number card, etc.)
Pictures that accurately show the situation/extent of the damage (when applicable)
Power of Attorney (if anyone other than you or someone that lives with you is making the application)
Additionally, if you are unable to provide any of the above required documents, please notify us as to why.
If you are making the request by mail, please attach copies of the documents above to your application and send them to the address below.
Mailing Address
To, Residence Tax Division Tokushima City Hall
2-5, Saiwaicho, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima-ken 770-8571
Application Forms
Disaster Victim (Notification) Certificate Application (JPN only)
Power of Attorney (Disaster Victim (Notification) Certificate Application) (JPN only)