

When a Major Earthquake Strikes


What to do during an earthquake

If you are indoors:

Indoors action guide
  • Take cover under a sturdy table.
  • Do not walk without shoes because there may be broken glass that can hurt you.
  • Turn off gas appliances and use the circuit breaker to shut off your electricity.
Department store
  • Protect your head with your bag or whatever you can find.
  • Keep away from show windows and glass, shelter by thick walls.
  • Follow the staff’s directions.
Office building
  • Take cover under a desk.
  • Be careful of large racks and office appliances that may fall.
  • Open the door or windows to assure you of an exit.
  • Do not use the elevator. Use the stairs to evacuate.

If you are outdoors:

Outdoors action guide
  • Evacuate to a nearby park or square. Be sure to protect your head.
  • Be careful of glass or signs that may fall.
  • Keep away from buildings, concrete walls, and vending machines.
Driving a car
  • Grip your steering wheel tightly and slow down.
  • Pull over to the left side of the road and stop your engine.
  • If you must evacuate without your car, please leave the key in the ignition.
Train or bus
  • Hold onto a strap or hand rail tightly with both of your hands.
  • Do not rush out of the vehicle on your own. Follow the directions of the driver or staff.

What to do during a tsunami

A tsunami is expected to come after the Nankai Trough Earthquake. According to experts, the biggest wave (up to 5 m high) will reach the east end of Higashi Okinosu Marine Pier within 53 minutes of the earthquake.
Check the tsunami and earthquake hazard map of Tokushima City, and be alert especially if you live in or near an at risk area. When a tsunami is imminent, evacuate immediately and go to the designated emergency evacuation site or to higher ground.


  • Immediate evacuation to a higher location is much better than trying to outrun the tsunami to a location farther away.
  • Move away from the shore as quickly as possible.
  • Tsunami speed is expected to be about 25 kilometers per hour near the coast, so there is no assurance of safety if you start evacuating after realizing that the tsunami is coming.
  • Tsunami waves will come repeatedly.
  • Check the locations of designated emergency evacuation sites and higher ground evacuation sites to insure your safety.

Signs concerning tsunami

These signs are designed by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, so that everybody, not only residents but also tourists, can easily understand what they say. You can find these signs around our city.

Tsunami Warning

When a major earthquake occurs and disastrous waves such as those produced by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake are expected, the Japan Meteorological Agency will issue a Major Tsunami Warning with the estimated tsunami height of either “巨大きょだい kyodai (huge)”, or “たかい takai (high).” If you receive a warning that says “巨大きょだい kyodai (huge)” or “たかい takai (high)”, evacuate immediately to the closest and safest higher ground evacuation site you can find. In some cases you may not hear such an announcement, but if you feel strong shaking for an extended period of time, use your own judgment and immediately evacuate to a safer place such as a designated emergency evacuation site or higher ground.



〒770-8571 徳島県徳島市幸町2丁目5番地(本館6階)







〒770-8571 徳島県徳島市幸町2丁目5番地

電話:088-621-5111(代表) ファクス:088-654-2116



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