Child Rearing Allowance
About the Allowance
Children in single-parent families or families with a severely-disabled parent are eligible for this allowance until the first March 31st after their 18th birthday (or before their 20th birthday in the case of children with moderate disability).
Payments will be made to mothers, fathers, or caregivers who are legally responsible for the care of the eligible children. Fathers who wish to receive payments must be in the same household with their children. Caregivers must live with the children and take care of them in place of the child’s parents in order to receive this allowance.
If the applicant’s income is higher than our limit, the applicant may only receive a portion of the allowance.
For Inquiries
Child-Raising Support Division (Kosodate Shien-ka) TEL: 088-621-5194 FAX: 088-655-0380