Childcare Services
Extension of childcare hours
Most nursery schools offer childcare beyond the regular childcare service hours so as to meet the needs of parents who have various working and commuting hours. Available hours and additional fees vary between nursery schools.
Temporary childcare service (Ichiji Azukari Jigyo)
Some nursery schools offer temporary or extraordinary circumstance childcare services to parents who are ill, injured, or hospitalized and unable to provide childcare at home. This service is also available when parents need to attend a wedding/funeral or want to have a refreshing break from at-home childcare.
Some nursery schools offer temporary or extraordinary circumstance childcare services to children who are usually being cared for at home but whose parents are ill, injured, or hospitalized. This service is also available when parents need to attend a wedding/funeral or want to have a refreshing break from at-home childcare.
1,800 yen per day (including a fee for lunch).
Holiday childcare (Kyujitsu Hoiku)
Some nursery schools offer holiday childcare service to parents who have difficulty in looking after their children on Sundays and national holidays because of work or other reasons.
This service is provided at the nursery school where your child is enrolled for regular weekday childcare.
Fee is included in the basic nursery school fee (Additional fees are not charged for holiday childcare).
Childcare service for sick children (Byoji Hoiku Jigyo)
Some nursery schools and hospitals offer daycare service to parents who, because of work or other reasons, cannot take care of their children when they are sick and cannot go to group care. This service is available for children up to and including 6th grade of elementary school who live in Tokushima City.
- 1,800 yen per day (not including fee for lunch and snacks and medical consultations)
- (0 yen for families on welfare & residence-tax-free families)
- (900 yen for families that pay the minimum municipal residence tax (but are exempt from income tax))
For Inquiries
Childcare Division (Kodomo Hoiku-ka) TEL: 088-621-5193 FAX: 088-621-5036
After School Care Program (Gakudo Hoiku)
This program is available for children who don’t have a parent at home to look after them after school. This program provides a place where children can play and study safely with staff watching over them. Facilities for this program are usually located on elementary school campuses or near elementary schools.
For Inquiries
Child Raising Support Division (Kosodate Shien-ka) TEL: 088-621-5192 FAX: 088-655-0380
Tokushima Family Support Center
Members of this center are both those who want child raising support and those who want to support others. You can get child raising support from a member of your community when you need it. The Foundation of Tokushima Prefecture Worker’s Welfare Network (Tokushima-ken Kinrosha Fukushi Network) is in charge of this project.
TEL: 088-611-1551 4F, Work Peer Tokushima, 3-35-1, Showa-cho, Tokushima City 770-0942